Tuesday, 3 March 2015


Image result for happy picturesI have noticed, and I think you would also, that in life,there are no such rules set at the beginning of the world such as"At the age of eighteen, you must have been in the university", "Twenty six years is the deadline for marriage as a woman, it is a shame to still remain in your father's house at that age", "You must date her for a particular number of years before you propose, she must be a size 6 or size 10 or whatever", "Egbusi soup must be cooked this way" and many other obnoxious views and opinions.
Human beings, no special or greater than ourselves say these things and because of reverence or usually, ignorance of the presence of the genius in us, we turn these mere sayings into rules and follow them strictly even to the detriment of our happiness. I have seen that such followers never cross over the bridge of mediocrity. Their innovative abilities and tendencies become hampered.
Our lives should be lived in accordance with what we want and the decisions we have made. That uncle, aunty, friend or loved one who has said something is and must be done in a particular manner might not be practicing what he or she has been preaching. Know who you are, "At this stage or particular age of my life, I should have achieved this". Because the world feels you should not still be single at the age of twenty-six should not make you forsake that dream of pursuing your masters degree if that is what would make you happy and fulfilled.
Live your life the way it should be lived and how it should be lived depends on YOU. You are the only one accountable to the Creator for every second of it.